BSPTr Thread Gauges

BSPTr Threads can provide pressure tight seal on threads without use of a sealing compound. They are used in pipe assemblies where pressure tight joint is required on threads, without use of sealing compound.

Two Types of Gauges are recommended System A & System B.


BS 21 – 1985 Indian Standard: Basic Dimensions: IS 554 : 1999 & Gauging Practice: IS 8999 : 2003.

Manufacturing Range :

Taper Thread Plugs & Rings for Pipe sizes 1/16″ to 6″ in both System A & System B Design.

Diameter (Inch)TPIType of Gauges
1/16, & 1/828Thread Plug GaugesThread Ring Gauges Check Plug to checkWear Check
1/4 & 3/819System A.System ANEW Rings System APlug Gauges to check/ calibrate used Rings. System A
1/2 & 3/414& System B.& System B& System B& System B
1,1.1/4,1.1/2,2, 2.1/2, 311
4, 5, 6